Die KUB und die Universität Freiburg stellen über Datenbanken zur Verfügung. Auf einige Datenbanken haben Sie nur von der KUB und vom Campus der Universität aus Zugriff. Angehörige der Universität können via VPN und teilweise via Switchaii von zuhause aus auf alle Datenbanken zugreifen. Alle Datenbanken KUB VPN-Zugang. This online resource focuses on the history of early Christianity up to CE and provides a critical review of the methods used in Early Christian Studies, covering iconography, martyrology, theological traditions, and cultic phenomenon. Le projet e-codices est une initiative du Prof. Seit digitalisiert e-codices Handschriften aus allen Landesteilen der Schweiz. Christoph Flüeler, Professor für Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Mittellatein und Mitglied des Mediävistischen Instituts der Universität Freiburg. The new IxTheo is a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies. It is now possible to search not only for articles, but also for monographs, databases and relevant Internet links. A selection of review journals is now also included. When the relevant licenses permit it, it is possible to access directly the complete text of the articles, reviews and books. The new IxTheo remains a free and open access service to the worldwide scholarly community. The editors of the IxTheo are the Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen library of the university of Tübingen as well as the Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät Tübingen the protestant faculty of theology of the university of Tübingen and the Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät Tübingen the catholic faculty of theology of the Refi Produkt Dating Seite Deutsch university. Our version of the Encyclopedia was last updated in Newer articles are not accessible. Articles that have been published before, but have been updated sinceare accessible in the older version. The library offers to publish electronically generated and qualified documents on Refi Produkt Dating Seite Deutsch online publication system. This service is for university members only and free of charge. After publication, the texts are available worldwide on the Internet and will be archived permanently by the library. The documents are indexed and made accessible in library catalogues and Web search engines. If you want to search for documents of the university, please choose the menu "Search" where you will find several search options. If you want to publish a document, please select the menu "Publish"; here you can submit your document to the publication server in just a few steps. The Patrologia Orientalis Database POD is a collection of patristic texts from the Christian East, including works, recorded in non-Latin languages, that come from geographical, cultural, or religious contexts somehow linked to Rome or the Eastern Roman Empire. This initial version of Refi Produkt Dating Seite Deutsch database allows users to access texts included in the Patrologia Orientalis PO series in two forms: the original text, available as a PDF file, and a searchable translation. The user can search for items such as keywords or quotes in the language into which a text was translated in the PO. All the texts in the PO will be searchable, and the reader can check the translation with the original text visible alongside as a non-searchable PDF file. Together, we publish in all areas of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine sectors. We are providers of quality information and knowledge that enable our customers to perform their jobs efficiently, enhance their education, and help contribute to the advancement of their chosen market sectors. Datenbank mit Zugriffsbeschränkung Uni-Netz oder VPN. OSEO currently includes writers active between andplus Classical Latin and Greek authors — from Aeschylus, Austen, Bentham, Catullus, Dickens, and Donne through to Virgil and Wordsworth. It contains over 1, scholarly editions — the equivalent of more thanprint pages. The University of Fribourg has access to the following collections and updates :. La Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici ha tra i suoi compiti istituzionali la pubblicazione della Bibliografia Storica Nazionaleche costituisce un censimento Refi Produkt Dating Seite Deutsch della produzione storiografica pubblicata in Italia, anche in lingua straniera. Sono presenti due cataloghi: uno relativo alla BSN corrente anni spogliati dal e uno relativo alla retrospettiva Die seit publizierte "Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung" verzeichnet laufend alle Monographien und Aufsätze im Umfeld der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, der Marxismus- und Sozialismus-Forschung, der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung und der Geschichte der deutschen Sozialdemokratie. Die Datenbankversion dieser Bibliographie umfasst zusätzlich auch programmatische Literatur von linken Parteien und Gewerkschaften sowie tagesaktuelle Publikationen von Persönlichkeiten des linken Politikspektrums. Es produziert und publiziert statistische Informationen über den Stand und die Entwicklung von Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Bildung, Forschung, Raum und Umwelt. It supports and strengthens the whole public administration in dealing with data on the population, the economy, society, training and research, the territory and the environment. In the rapidly changing digital sphere CEEOL is a reliable source of adjusting expertise trusted by scholars, researchers, publishers, and librarians. CEEOL offers various services to subscribing institutions and their patrons to make access to its content as easy as possible.
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources — Brepols. Edited by Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson with a team of more than 20 section editors. Disegni e ritratti nelle opere di Boccaccio Anna Cerbo Requires Authentication Unlicensed Licensed Download PDF. Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion — Wiley. He had completed a thesis at the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London on the Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire — a work which was published posthumously in — and this larger enterprise followed naturally.
Überwachung der Finanzstabilität eine Mitverant- wortung für die Stabilität des deutschen Finanzsys- tems. (All communication and information is in German audio and written language). Die Deutsche Bundesbank hat nach dem Gesetz zur. Die. Dazu zählen die Einrichtung eines Controlling-Systems, das geeignet ist, alle wesentlichen Risiken zu erkennen, zu messen und zu steuern. Es. Die Deutsche Bundesbank stellte in ihrer Funktion als logistischer Partner ,3 Millionen Bank- noten im Wert von 3,12 Mrd € bereit. Check it out! Mit. The next deadline for IMPACT is September 28th !This contains the complete bibliography that has been compiled since and therefore offers certain clear advantages over the printed edition of BAMAT. Die Zeitschriftentitel können über eine Liste der Zeitschriften für SSG Zeitgeschichte abgerufen werden. Mit dem Zugriff auf die Website von "Moonshot" im Besitz und betrieben von HFWM AG, Schweiz, mit der Firmennummer CHE Die in diesen Übersichten zitierten Literaturstellen sind sowohl untereinander als auch mit den zitierten Artikeln verlinkt. It contains over 1, scholarly editions — the equivalent of more than , print pages. Specialist users will find here a wealth of bibliographical information on Old Testament exegesis. The search-software offers a wide range of search possibilities. Abbildungsnachweis Requires Authentication Unlicensed Licensed Download PDF. Seit dem 2. Wissenschaftlich-Religionspädagogisches Lexikon WiReLex. OLC-SSG Benelux. Byzantinische Bibliographie online — De Gruyter. The dictionary lists all the Greek or Roman philosophers from the pre-Socratics of the 6th century BC to the last Neoplatonists at the end of the 6th century AD, but also many important witnesses of the philosophical tradition in Antiquity and some Byzantine scholars whose role was important for the preservation of the Greek philosophical heritage. Literaturdokumentation zur Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas. Lerne uns persönlich kennen: 3, 2, 1 Lift-off! Unmatched in scope and depth, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion provides readers with a well-balanced understanding of philosophical thought about the nature of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and other religious traditions around the globe. It comprises a vast amount of information: 30 volumes, 70, entries and sub-entries, over 50, columns by specialists, aimed at an academic readership. Bis heute formalisieren 89 Partner ihr Engagement für das Netzwerk, indem sie eine Partnerschaftsvereinbarung unterzeichnen. Wenn die Inhaltsverzeichnisse zusätzlich in Englisch oder Deutsch vorhanden sind, werden die Paralleltitel ebenfalls erfasst. Material listed in RAMBI is compiled from thousands of periodicals and from collections of articles - in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages- mainly from the holdings of the Jewish National and University Library, a world center for research on the Jewish people and Eretz Israel. LIBRIS is a national search service providing information on titles held by Swedish university and research libraries, as well as about twenty public libraries. Central and Eastern European Online Library CEEOL - Journals. OLC-SSG Nordeuropa. Classical scholars and ancient historians are provided with a valuable tool for both research and the preparation of teaching at school and university level. Journals must undergo a rigorous evaluation by an editorial team in order to be covered in Web of Science Core Collection. OLC-SSG Frankreichkunde und Allgemeine Romanistik. Datenbanken Die KUB und die Universität Freiburg stellen über Datenbanken zur Verfügung. OLC-SSG Zeitgeschichte.